6 Most Shocking Video Game Plot Twists Of 2018 (So Far)

2. Finding Out What The Symbols Mean - God Of War

God Of War

Okay, now this is just mind-blowing.

Come the close of God of War - after a good 20 hours of journeying across Midgard and all its accompanying realms - you start climbing to the tallest peak of Jotunheim to spread mother Faye's ashes. At the foot of a final set of stairs is a mural - one that shows a series of images depicting everything you've done up to this point.

Turns out, Faye's ability as a Giant was foresight, and not only did she know exactly what you would do and accomplish, but she's sketched out another picture of what looks like Kratos dying in the future, too.

god of war ending

That latter revelation is being saved for God of War II, but best of the bunch here comes alongside these pictures:

A number of the same symbols God of War uses to indicate pathfinding.

From climbing ledges to marking out which way to go in caverns, these symbols guide you the entire time. Suddenly it hits you: Not only did Faye know which people you would meet and which bosses you would take down, but she literally walked the entire journey you went on before you did.

Some players cottoned onto this by virtue of the symbols being identical, but Creative Director Corey Barlog has also confirmed it for those thinking it was too cool to be true.

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God of War
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