6 Upcoming Star Wars Games That Fans Need To Know About

2. The Old Republic Expansions

Bioware's Star Wars: The Old Republic cost an estimated $200 million dollars to produce. With that kind of enormous budget, it was clearly made with the intention to keep players invested for many years to come. The most recent update, Knights of the Fallen Empire, was praised for its focus on strong cinematic storytelling, so we expect nothing less from future entires. And as the game's raking in yearly revenues of around $139 million, expect many more to come. The Old Republic will be dominated the MMORPG market for a long time. As Disney retconned the Expanded Universe, meaning that all books, comics and games released before April 2014 would no longer be considered canon, the expansions for The Old Republic, along with the Fantasy Flight card games, remain the only new stories set within the Expanded universe continuity. So fans are eternally grateful to it for keeping keeping the EU alive. And speaking of expansions, not only will Disney 3.0 likely receive addition Star Wars characters, but there's also rumours that 4.0 will be released to tie into Rogue One later this year. And if Rogue One features anywhere near as many fan favourite characters as have been rumoured, that would be very cool indeed.
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