6 Ups & 9 Downs From No Man's Sky

5. The Terrible Save System

No Man S Sky Save
Hello Games

Exacerbating the distressing number of game crashes so far is a rather poor save system that means players can lose a large chunk of play-time if they haven't saved their game recently.

No Man's Sky typically saves whenever you touch down on a new location and exit your ship, and you can also manually save by visiting an outpost or point-of-interest on a planet.

Due to the intermittent crashing problem, it's advisable that when you return to your ship to leave a planet, you quickly exit the ship again before taking off to ensure that the game creates a "restore point", and in the event of a warp crash, you'll have only lost about two minutes of progress from flying out of the planet's atmosphere and warping.

What the game is really lacking is an autosave system, which saves your progress after every significant interaction, or perhaps just does so every 5 minutes, regardless of what's going on (with at least one or two prior saves held as backups). It would add even more complexity to a game certainly not wanting for it, but at present, with the abundance of crashes, the save system isn't cutting it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.