6 Video Game Fan Theories The Studios Actually Confirmed

3. Doomguy Is A Descendent Of B.J. Blazkowicz

DOOM Wolfenstein Theory
Id Software

Wolfenstein 3D is the granddaddy of all first-person shooters, so it seems appropriate that its protagonist might literally be the grandfather of the main character from its spiritual successor series, Doom.

Fans have pointed out the physical similarities between B.J. Blazkowicz and the so-called Doomguy from the very beginning, and developer id Software confirmed the connection in its 2009 mobile game Wolfenstein RPG.

The role-playing spinoff told the origin story of the Doom series' Cyberdemon, revealing how B.J. defeated the creature's original incarnation and it swore to return to battle his descendants, which presumably includes the Doomguy.

Doom's lead programmer John Carmack developed Wolfenstein RPG, so this history lesson is coming right from the horse's mouth, although it should be noted that both franchises have since undergone reboots of sorts and are yet to share connective tissue in their current forms.


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