6 Video Game Fan Theories The Studios Actually Confirmed

2. Final Fantasy X-2's Shinra Founded The Shinra Company

DOOM Wolfenstein Theory
Square Enix/Sony

The Final Fantasy series has always played fast and loose with continuity, taking place across several alternate universes with little connectivity between them.

But the fans have long speculated about strong links between Final Fantasy X-2 and Final Fantasy VII, given that the former features a character called Shinra and the latter a mega corporation of the same name.

During an interview with Kotaku, Final Fantasy producer Yoshinori Kitase addressed a number of popular fan theories and debunked the lot of them... apart from this one.

The Square Enix executive stopped short of confirming that X-2 and VII take place in the same world, but did reveal that Shinra's creator envisioned the character as the future founder of the Shinra company.

"Shinra in FFX-2 was created by [Kazushige] Nojima, the scenario writer, and when he thought him up, he thought it might be good if people would imagine that after a few years after the story of Final Fantasy X-2, that person Shinra will grow up and start the Shinra company."

You can take this as at least quasi-confirmation of a connection between Final Fantasy X-2 and the fan-favourite Final Fantasy VII.


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