6 Video Game Franchises That Need Open World Games

1. Star Trek

trekstar Star Trek and video games have as troubled history as the Klingons and Romulans, with just as many casualties in the fanbase occurring over discussions of why even the recent release failed to provide an accurate star-trekking experience. However, the potential behind the driving force of a universe that features hundreds of species and advanced technology is too much to not eventually warrant a mainline game. With the obvious choices of selecting a species, each with their already distinct traits (Ferengi - traders, Human - explorers, Klingons - warriors, Vulcans - diplomats, ad infinitum) and the subsequent allocation to the Federation, or any other organization. The blueprints have already been laid down in the TV and film run, and any time-frame for the game to be set in would be welcome. It could be an opportunity to excel at space battles through strategic use of the bridge crew, and a chance to explore all the parts of your ship. The enemies are also abundant and randomly generating Borg cubes or spontaneous Klingon raids would keep the game going. All of these films and shows listed have established worlds with unique histories and characters and the possibilities for exploiting these as video games are endless. Is there a film, TV show or book with a world you would like to explore through the medium of computer games? Let us know through the comments!

British writer, musician and misanthropist.