6 Video Game Franchises That Would Make AMAZING TV Shows
With The Witcher to premiere in 2019, which other franchises would make great shows?

As gamers, we love escaping to immersive worlds full of amazing stories, lore and characters, creating timeless franchises like Fallout, Mass Effect and Assassin’s Creed.
Each tale features unique and often wide-open worlds, all with threads that unravel over hundreds of hours of gameplay, leaving us in awe of what we experienced as we tell as many friends as possible what went down.
Yet, this is limiting, as to have these conversations, you need people that own the game and have taken the time to play it. It’s not like catching up on the latest episode of Game of Thrones - but what if it could be?
We're so used to movie adaptations of our favourite franchises turning out to be bitter disappointments, so what about television? The worlds created in video games would translate brilliantly into seasons of serialised drama, all across multiple genres. Yet with the exception of Defiance and a few Halo and Final Fantasy television movies, this is a largely unexplored area.
If the Witcher series coming to Netflix later in 2019 is successful, TV and streaming creators may be looking to video games to inspire the next big blockbuster show, so let’s explore what should come next.
6. Deus Ex

The rise of Smart technologies over the course of the last decade shows no signs of slowing down, with people eagerly anticipating the next device from the likes of Apple or Google. And with these devices getting ever smaller and more powerful, how long is it before someone releases a device that augments the human body?
A more poignant question would be, is this a good idea? Is a world where humans use technology in such an intense way one we would really want to live in?
It is in asking these questions where a Deus Ex universe could really shine.
Deus Ex could be set in or around the time of Human Revolution or Mankind Divided, with a fresh set of characters involved in plots of political intrigue, corporate rivalry and the effects of how such augmentations would impact personal relationships between characters in a world seemingly gone mad.
The premise and the world laid out in the video games could form the basis for a Blade Runner-style show that provides interesting set pieces, characters with strong and interesting motivations, but also an interesting piece of social commentary on where the world is heading.
Not to mention, the overarching effects and moral implications of what a trans-humanist society would be like.