6 Video Game Franchises That Would Make AMAZING TV Shows

5. Fallout

mass effect garrus ashley

Post-apocalyptic dramas have been hit and miss over the years, where shows that have the most success are the ones that draw upon multiple threads of storytelling.

The world of Fallout has an interesting premise. Not only because of its depth of established lore, but also the mixed genre approach the games have offered over the last 22 years.

The show could focus on a group of characters seeking to unite the various factions that have sprouted up after the fall, traversing the wastelands of Washington to New Vegas and beyond, encountering various monsters and anomalous aftereffects of the war.

Set this against the backdrop of a post-apocalyptic world, with each episode exploring various towns, settlements and vaults filled with endearing characters trying to make ends meet, and you have a pretty solid blueprint for a number of seasons.

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Mass Effect
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