6 Video Games That Are Seriously Overdue A Sequel

5. Battletoads

If you've never tried and failed to get through Battletoads then you don't know what hardcore gaming is. Battletoads is quite possibly still the ultimate challenge in all of gaming, a brutal beat 'em up that threw armies of over powered enemies at your amphibian avatar and waited to see how long it took you to die. You might think this is pure hyperbole, but Battletoads really is legendarily difficult.. Despite the herculean effort it took to get anywhere near the end of the game, Battletoads remains one of the best loved games of its generation, which is less surprising when you consider that it was made by Rare. The legendary devs behind Goldeneye 007, Donkey Kong Country, Banjo Kazooie, Rare's extremely fruitful purple patch was really ushered in with the release of Battletoads. Sadly Rare was swallowed up by Microsoft, who wasted their golden goose by making them create games for the Kinect. All hope is not lost though, as several employees from Rare's halcyon days have formed a new studio, Playtonic Games. Battletoads may belong to Rare still (as shown by the fact that Battletoad Rash is a DLC character in the latest Killer Instinct), but the chance of a spiritual successor to one of gaming's greats is now more of a possibility.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.