7 Best Halo Maps

2. The Pit (Halo 3)

The Pit At first look, The Pit seems a small map but this is actually one of the largest maps to not feature vehicles. As usual, The Pit is all about power weapons. The snipers in the towers over looking the UNSC training base spawn at the start of each round, and getting your hands on one usually results in an epic sniper duel. The sword and active camo are in the middle of the map making it the the most highly contested area but the best thing about The Pit is that even if your enemies amass the best weapons and choke points, the map design provides alternative approaches. Grenades and turrets can make short work of anyone foolish enough to wander into the center area, meaning flanking becomes vitally important if you want to prevail. This power weapon-heavy map might seem an unusual choice for 2nd place, but the mix of indoor corridors and the high sniper towers coupled with the perfect flow of the map make this a bona fide classic. Best Game Modes: Free For All, Slayer, Swat

Barry O' Halloran has been a whatculture writer for the last two years and having recently graduated, now plans on writing about games & movies until his hands fall off. Follow him on twitter!