7 Best Halo Maps

1. Blood Gulch (Halo: Combat Evolved)

Blood Gulch Has there ever been a better multiplayer map in first person shooters? The original map is both iconic and ingeniously brilliant. Forget about the remakes, Blood Gulch is the map of Halo. A base at each end with sniper rifles, shotguns and all the Halo vehicles at spawn, a hidden mountain side lookout, caves and tunnels and teleporters. This map defined Halo. Even to this day and after 3 updated remakes, Blood Gulch remains the undisputed king of Halo maps. I couldn't even guess how many hours of 4 player split screen I played and still to this day, I often play a few custom games for sheer nostalgia. Not since Facility in Goldeneye has there been a more memorable map and while 343 included it in all but name in Halo 4, it loses some magic with the removal of the Scorpion tank and teleporters. Capture the flag matches were unbelievably chaotic with so many routes for the flag runner to take and there was nothing more exciting than an epic Scorpion battle. The ultimate Halo map. Best Game Modes: Capture The Flag So do you agree? Did I miss any? Let me know in the comments below and don't forget to vote! -->

Barry O' Halloran has been a whatculture writer for the last two years and having recently graduated, now plans on writing about games & movies until his hands fall off. Follow him on twitter!