7 Best Online Gaming Communities

5. Grand Theft Auto

gta-multiplayer-tutorial(1) For some Grand Theft Auto IV was the best game of the decade. For others it was a major let down. Whether you liked Rockstar's more realistic take on the series or not, there is no denying the genius of GTA IV's online premise. There was an abundance of unique game modes with Cops and Robbers and Free Mode proving that there was more fun to be had beyond the usual modes like Team Deathmatch. There was nothing like cruising around with a few friends just chatting while causing mayhem. It was just a pity that people didn't want to experience these new modes. It probably would have ranked higher on the list if the community had embraced what GTA IV offered instead of sticking to the same tired modes.
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Barry O' Halloran has been a whatculture writer for the last two years and having recently graduated, now plans on writing about games & movies until his hands fall off. Follow him on twitter!