1. Red Dead Redemption
With Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar created one of the best online games of all time, a feat made even more impressive by the fact that RDR was built primarily as a single player experience. Every idea that had shown potential in GTA IV was fully realized in the Wild Wild West and fans knew they had something special on their hands. I played Red Dead Redemption online for more time than I would like to admit. The free mode alone kept me enthralled for hours upon hours. Because of the emphasis on team work and the rewards for joining a posse, players seemed to care more about enjoying the experience rather than competing, which is a rarity online. Rockstar nailed the balance between fun and challenging and there was nothing like taking out a gang of bandits with a few fellow cowboys. In game chat usually consisted of players organizing a raid or even just discussing the best locations in the map. I always found it strange to hear mature conversation in an Xbox live lobby. Here's hoping Red Dead Redemption fans have the same love for GTA V. So there you have it, the 7 best online gaming communities. Let me know if you agree in the comments below. What are your personal favourites?