7 Best Video Game April Fools Jokes Of 2019

5. The Omega Weapon Home Assistant

If Alexa or Google Home just aren't exciting enough anymore, why not introduce some jeopardy into your home life by replacing your home assistant with a legendary artificial being of unimaginable power that might at any point decide you were no longer worth helping?

That's exactly what Square Enix offered Final Fantasy fans when they released the trailer for Omega, the newest Smart Home Assistant robot on the block. Now you too can bring the legendary Omega weapon in petite ball form.

What follows is a wonderful parody of the numerous adverts we've had for the latest domestic tech. Family members asking for match scores being told combat is the only true test of will, a child being told organic beings are inferior and then annoying the robot into submission (and being told he's adopted as a "joke"), and even the Omega trying to protect the mother from embarrassment by deleting her presentation.

Okay, so Omega Weapon probably isn't a perfect fit for domestic life, but its signature wave cannon beam attack probably makes it a dab hand in the kitchen, if nothing else.

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Inevitably talking about Into The Spiderverse. Lover of movies, books and games, not necessarily in that order. @Are_You_Shore I also co-host a podcast now! www.youtube.com/channel/UCKS4_sumDLinlzgdMBAZk7g