7 Characters That Must Be Cut From Super Smash Bros. Switch

1. Dark Pit

Super smash bros dark pit

Despite making it onto this list, every character on here so far does hold some worth. Even the likes of Lucina and Dr. Mario, who are almost straight clones of existing characters, are different enough in their models to be separate characters.

Enter Dark Pit - the most pointless 'new addition' to the game yet.

Unlike most other clone characters, Dark Pit is quite literally a recolour of Pit. A fully separate character was made out of what usually constitutes a basic skin - a character colour change. Dark Pit is Pit but in edgier clothes, with an edgier attitude and a weird gun.

Again, like Dr. Mario, he could've been thrown in at a later stage to pad out the numbers, but there's just no need for him to take a slot on the roster.

Dark Pit is an interesting character however, perhaps the first real example of a clone character taken to the extreme, where their model isn't really different in the slightest. It's an example of an otherwise stunning roster going off the rails in the wrong direction.


Gamer, writer and still patiently awaiting Bloodborne 2.