7 Deadly Gaming Sins: PRIDE

4. Asset Flip Games

It Just Works
Digital Homicide

Unlike some of the other cases explored here, this is less a case of having too much-unfounded pride in ones work, and more about having absolutely none whatsoever.

Asset flip games, for those not in the know by now, are titles which either buy premade assets from other developers or as is, unfortunately, the case in many of these experiences, steal assets without crediting the artist and then slap them together into a poorly made collage of crap to peddle to whatever audience is unlucky enough to be in the "splash zone"

One need only pass a cursory glance over the mobile gaming market to witness this lawless Wild West of stolen ideas and IPs with "developers" (and I use that term with a touch lighter than helium) unashamedly ripping off assets and gameplay features in a new genre of games that I'm titling "Lawyer Bait".

How can anyone claim to take pride in themselves when they peddle such unrelenting and unapologetic trash? These types of games drag the entire industry down with their sheer bloat and a shocking absence of regulation. This lack of pride also extends to platforms such as Google Play, the App Store, and Steam because if they did a better job of sweeping up this trash, then developers and the consumer wouldn't have to put up with their ideas being ripped off and their wallets being tugged at by these gremlin games.

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Fallout 76
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