7 Deadly Gaming Sins: PRIDE

3. "It Just Works" - Fallout 76

It Just Works

"It just works". When Todd Howard uttered these lines, at the time, it seemed that this was the sort of royal seal on an admittedly brilliant premise. Fallout 76, a multiplayer instalment of a beloved franchise, complete with base building, survival mechanics, and a brand new graphics engine. This could be THE Fallout game.

Well, we all know how that turned out. It was THE Fallout game, but easily one of the worst, and with cataclysmic failure after cataclysmic failure, all we could do was circle back to that one sentence. "It just works" became a meme overnight and soon it was impossible to see the game for anything more than a completely misplaced sense of pride.

Todd, at that moment, was selling us a fantasy, but it wasn't the fantasy of a Fallout game with features that had been requested for years, but an utter fallacy that this game was anywhere near close to being something that Bethesda should have taken pride in.

The game was broken, and at this point, they must have known this, yet their stubborn pride to deliver on time above all else, was what set this world on fire.

Yet strangely this isn't the only Todd we're going to cover today and not the only time I'll begin an entry with a quote that bit the speaker in the arse.

In this post: 
Fallout 76
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Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.