7 Epic Moments From The Destiny PS4 Alpha Weekend

Dancing and space wizards. Yeah, you read that right.

It's no secret that ever since splitting from Microsoft a few years ago, Bungie has enjoyed their new-found freedom. However, when the third party developer got on stage during Sony's E3 press conference last week,no one expected them to reveal an exclusive, limited time, alpha test for their upcoming MMO shooter, Destiny. With a long summer drought absent of blockbuster releases ahead of us, Destiny is the first huge game coming out this fall in September. As the first project in Bungie's post-Halo world, expectations are high and their marketing budget is even higher (to the tune of half a billion dollars, in fact). The affection of gamers is worth more than a measly $500 million though. Until very recently, the game had struggled to find an identity in popular media. With each preview article or gameplay trailer, it looked like nothing more than a cheap combination of Borderlands and Halo, or the console gamer version of Firefall, or perhaps any other combination of dismissive comparisons. What people may not recognize though, is just how tightly crafted this game truly is. When the news graced computer monitors that the alpha was available to play this past weekend for a first look into what Destiny has to offer, PS4s and faces lit up with anticipation. If the title of this article isn't indication enough, the game is just a blast to play. Never before has there been a game that so seamlessly combined what were previously considered to be vastly different genres of games. Bungie has crafted something that marries the high-octane thrills of first-person shooters, the rich lore of narrative-driven games, the multiplayer components of AAA shooters, the social interaction of MMOs, and engaging cooperative gameplay. As a result, it's truly epic.
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David is a freelance game journalist that has been writing in the industry for several years. You might not agree with him all of the time, but he does have a pretty awesome last name. Follow his tweetings on Twitter - @David_Jagneaux