7 Games You Didn't Realise Were Playing You

6. Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Amnesia messes with the player by presenting them with a particularly cruel dilemma. Light is your lifeline in Amnesia. The protagonist Daniel is petrified of the dark; being in the dark causes him to go progressively insane. Staying in the light reduces Daniel's levels of insanity, but there are also monsters everywhere that are tying to kill you. This leaves with a decision: You can stay in the darkness and gradually lose your mind. Or you can stay in the light and risk facing death at the hands of a variety of ravenous, bloodthirsty creatures. To complicate things even further, if Daniel so much as looks at the monsters he'll go crazy even faster. It's an impossibly difficult decision and hugely adds to the emersion of the game. Daniel's terror becomes yours, whether you're in the light or dark.
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