7 Games You Didn't Realise Were Playing You

3. Papers, Please

Speaking of questioning yourself, Papers, Please will make you question why you're such a terrible human being. You're given the role of immigration officer at the border of the fictional land of Arstotzka in 1982. At the end of each day on the job you're given money based on how many people's applications you've processed and how many bribes you've collected. The problem is that you have a family to feed but processing applications doesn't pay well enough. Taking bribes from potentially murderous criminals is where the real money is. The game forces you into situations where you have to decide between feeding your starving family and not letting violent criminals into the country. To quote Spock in The Wrath of Khan, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one" and Papers, Please makes you wonder whether there's actually any truth in that saying at all. It makes you question whether the wellbeing of those close to you is more important than the lives of innocent civilians. If you give Papers, Please a try be prepared to have your personal politics, your compassion and your empathy for other human beings torn apart.
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