7 Games You Didn't Realise Were Playing You

2. Eternal Darkness

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSXcajQnasc Eternal Darkness is really messed up. It's notorious for using (at the time) realistic visual trickery to fool the player into thinking they were going crazy. The player has a sanity meter. When a monster spots the player, their sanity meter depletes. The lower the meter, the more likely it is that the game will screw with you. The tricks it pulls on you get old pretty fast, but the first time they get you, they're pretty harrowing. The shear terror when the game tells you for the first time that your memory card has been wiped has stayed with players for years. Perhaps the most well-known sanity effects are the ones that pretend to alter settings on your TV and change the channel. It's a relatively simple effect, but it was unprecedented at the time and has never been successfully replicated since. It's creative, meta and terrifying. When you're suffering from sanity effects, there's nothing you can do about it. You just have to let it play out and accept the suffering. The only issue with Eternal Darkness is that, like a lot of games released in the same era, its visuals haven't aged too well. In a world full of HD remakes and sequels, it would be great to see Eternal Darkness updated for modern consoles. There are so many ways an updated version of Eternal Darkness could deeply, deeply, disturb the minds of a whole new generation.
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