7 Great Video Games Playing Watch Dogs Will Remind You Of

5. Batman: Arkham City

The Batman: Arkham games are at their best when he is given an interesting room, a variety of guards with different abilities, and has to eliminate them all - ideally without engaging in open combat. Swooping down, knocking out a guard, swooping back up, and swinging to another point in the room is a viscerally exciting, and some of the coolest components of the Watch_Dogs are reminiscent of those moments. A particular mission of note which required Aiden Pearce to 'knock down' a gang leader, involved hacking open a garage door to distract guards, running to the top of that very same parking garage, taking down a sniper on the roof, exploding a transformer via a hacked-into camera to create complete darkness, jumping off the garage, and taking down the gang leader before anyone knew what hit them. When tackling a room full of enemies, both Watch_Dogs and Batman: Arkham City feel a bit like puzzles. Guards will be laid out in a specific pattern in a specific area, and how you direct, distract and eliminate them comes down to the tools at your disposal, and your creativity. Completing a tricky room without being detected or by using a gadget in an innovative way is the definition of why people play games. But also like Batman: Arkham City, getting to the best side missions in Watch_Dogs is a bit more of a hassle than it should be. Arkham City's side-mission content was oddly guarded and entirely possible to miss if you weren't looking for it - especially the quest-line involving the cold call killer. In Watch_Dogs you're required to unlock certain side-missions via hacking communications towers, and with tons of icons on the open-world map, it's easy to miss a mission you're interested in tackling and may instead opt for side content or mission content you're not 100 percent excited to play.
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Watch Dogs
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Paul is a writer, video producer, gamer, lover, and tie-fighter. E-mail him at MeekinOnMovies@gmail.com.