7 Greatest Video Game Boss Fights Of 2013

6. Spider Lady €“ Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons

Brothers is purely brilliant; Starbreeze clearly set out to make a creative artistic experience that utilized a controller in ways most developers probably hadn€™t even thought of, and they undoubtedly succeeded. For the entire game, you control the Brothers simultaneously as Starbreeze assigns an analog stick to each one. I had a feeling they would try and incorporate these unique light action/ platforming mechanics into a boss battle; how it would work was what I feared. Surprisingly €“ like every other aspect of Brothers- it works flawlessly as you distract a giant grotesque spider with the younger brother, while the other brother rips the hideous creature apart one leg at a time. Tears soon follow the fight, further cementing this one€™s grandeur.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.