7 Greatest Video Game Boss Fights Of 2013

4. Paul €“ Saints Row 4

Saints Row is one wild and demented game that loves tossing everything and the kitchen sink at you. I didn€™t expect one of those things to be a boss battle I€™d be putting on this list, but life is just full of surprises. During Pierce€™s rescue mission €“ which explores the bizarre fears of our protagonists- we learn that Paul is deathly afraid of energy drinks. Naturally, since this is Saints Row we just roll with it; the more absurd things get the more fun we have. And oh my do things get truly insane. As our own created nutjob President, it becomes our objective to destroy an energy soda €“ that Pierce nicknames Paul - the size of freaking Godzilla. And in typical Saints Row fashion, it can€™t be done just by firing rockets at it. Nope, we get inside what appears to be the Statue of Liberty, which then becomes alive leading to a brawl for the ages.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.