7 Greatest Video Game Boss Fights Of 2013

3. Bane €“ Batman: Arkham Origins

For reference, we are discussing the very final Bane fight, which is essentially the ultimate take on cat and mouse. Towards the end of Arkham Origins, Bane consumers a heavy dosage of Venom and completely bulks up into a behemoth that not even Batman can physically damage in fisticuffs. In the bowels of a prison there€™s not much you can do either but hide and strike at the most opportune times. The entire structure of the fight can legitimately be equated to Arkham City€™s outstanding Mr. Freeze fight. It€™s simply a challenge to the player to utilize every stealth tactic they have learned up until now, whether it€™s smoke, throwing Batarang€™s at fire extinguishers, hiding in vents, and more. And when you have successfully stunned Bane you have the opportunity to throw him into an electricity field for big damage. It€™s an excellently thought out battle centered on precision and mastering the mechanics.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.