7 Incredible Stories Behind The Making Of WWE Video Games

2. Triple H Cannot Be Vulnerable (SmackDown Vs. Raw 2009)

Triple H Pedigree Edge Smackdown Vs Raw 2009

This here writer has some personal knowledge of this one.

At the time, he was writing for the UK-based Fighting Spirit Magazine, and was clued in on a blanket press release that'd been sent to every media outlet reviewing the new SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 game. It dictated that magazines, websites or reviewers were ("under no circumstances") to show Triple H in a vulnerable position.

He wasn't to be shown being pinned or tasting another wrestler's finishing move in screenshots, and he couldn't take a pasting at all. To help, THQ included some shots of Trips blasting fools with his Pedigree finisher or smashing them with his sledgehammer. We're being deadly serious.

Other things banned were Triple H being shown with blood on him or selling for other characters on the roster full-stop. If you're a Triple H hater, this must be hilarious. If not, it must be quite weird to read about a decade on. Most mags and sites ignored the advice and went ahead anyway.

What a bunch of trolls.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.