7 Inherent Flaws In The Awesome BioShock Infinite

5. It's Far Too Short

1682402-inline-bioshock-infinite-4 I know: a story should only be as long as it needs to be, right? In this case, BioShock Infinite is probably no shorter than your average first-person shooter nowadays (it's approximately 10-12 hours). Still, when my time was up, I just felt as though the game had been too short. How long it takes you to complete all depends on how fast you want to play it, of course: you're welcome to just race through to the finish, but that'd probably be one of the biggest mistakes you ever make (seriously). Not to mention that nothing would make an ounce of sense. Many of you are probably thinking: "Well, this guy didn't take the time out to play it properly if he thought it was too short." Fair enough, but trust me when I say that I did. I checked around every corner, peered through every shop window, completed all the optional missions, watched every one of those little silent movies, and even collected all the Voxophones. The entire game took me 15 hours. Was that worth the price of purchase? Obviously: this game would've been worth buying for just 5 hours spent in Columbia. But given how much work has gone into the world design, I just wanted to spent more time there, and I felt like - despite seeing so much of it - I didn't give me the chance to immerse myself for long enough. Maybe that's personal to me and other people thought the game was the perfect length, but I personally believe there was enough going on here to give us 5 more hours of story. Even with all the extra stuff that you can do to extend your playtime to around 20 plus hours, the main game itself - for me - just ended far too quickly.

All-round pop culture obsessive.