7 Inherent Flaws In The Awesome BioShock Infinite

4. The Save System Is Frustrating

k-bigpic A minor gripe, but a gripe nonetheless: Infinite's save system is just plain frustrating, though I'm not sure that the designers ever realised this when they were making the game. I think, in this case, it simply must have been overlooked or forgotten about. Infinite relies on an autosave feature, you see, which sets in every half hour or so as you progress. And an autosave feature is fine, but only if the game also gives you the option to save at your will. Not here, unfortunately, which means that there are times where the game might freeze, or fails to load between sections, when you're forced to replay entire sections. Sometimes - during longer sections - the autosave feature will wait close to hour before it kicks in, which means you're always playing in a state of fear, wondering if you're going to have complete entire parts again. Not a major problem, of course, but slightly misjudged. In a game like this one, where exploration is one of the best bits, it would've been nice to have an option to save at will.

All-round pop culture obsessive.