7 Kinect Disasters That Ruined Motion Controlled Gaming

4. Hulk Hogan's Main Event

hulkhogansmainevent.comhulkhogansmainevent.comWe have a rather fervent WWE readership here at WhatCulture.com, so it's important that we warn you all about this travesty: Hulk Hogan's Main Event is the kind of game which will destroy your faith in Hulk Hogan, wrestling, and motion gaming in general. By now we hardly need any more reasons to stop caring about the legendary Hulkster, he's been doing a pretty solid job of ruining his legacy all on his own, but this shameful Kinect release was one powerslam too far. Traditionally the reason a Kinect game falls to pieces is that its motion detection simply doesn't work. It often starts with good intentions, but dodgy programming and a weak grasp of Kinect's (limited) strong points, it all usually results in yet another abhorrent controller-free mess. Hulk Hogan's Miserable Event surpasses that problem by having not only frightfully bad motion detection but also an almost unplayable gameplay mechanic in the first place. In other words, even if Kinect was as precise and awe-inspiringly powerful as Microsoft likes to pretend it is, this game would still be as much fun as having Hulk and his closest friends pile-drive you in the ring. It's just worrying that someone thought that it was ok to release this. And then be bold enough to ask us to give them money for it. Everything about this game exudes a noxious stench of a shameless cash-in, Hogan desperately trying to make a few extra bucks before we forget about him altogether.

Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.