7 More Video Game Bosses That Forced You To Cheat

3. Lingering Will - Kingdom Hearts 2

metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain
Square Enix

For many, the battle against The Lingering Will is one that more than lives up to it's title, with the battle lingering on for what feels like hours and each defeat stealing a part of your very will to exist.

It might sound like hyperbole but this boss really is the worst thing that Kingdom Hearts has ever spewed out and for most gamers represented a point where the devs just went too far.

With its insatiable appetite for ruining your day with meaty attacks, a sickening ability to heal itself, and for the entire battle to fall apart with just one or two hits being taken, Lingering Will might as well have been called Suspended Stink as it was huffing up the place no end.

Yet you know what's stinkier? This ripe bit of cheese that players found to make this boss an utter joke.

By sinking time to beat Sephiroth and acquire/equip items that reduce the number of attacks per combo - meaning you're always hitting with an aerial finisher - then buffing that attack to kingdom come, you'll be able to stun lock the beast and rinse repeat until it's down to just a fraction of its starting health.

It's by no means an elegant fight and can go wrong in a heartbeat, but fans were so desperate to beat this bastard that they essential conned the game into working for towards this one specific goal.


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