7 More Video Game Bosses That Forced You To Cheat

1. Bendak Starkiller - Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain

So good old Bendak here is what's known as a legend, having earned himself quite the reputation on Taris for his skills in the Duel Ring, and by skills I mean "shooting people in the face before they can mouth OH HOT DAMN"

This is a true killer through and through and has actually retired from competition because nobody even piqued his interest as a real challenge. That was until he started hearing rumors of a young whipersnapper that was as good with a vibroblade as a blaster.

That whippersnapper is you by the way.

Thus after basically prodding him with a stick and saying "come onnnn" Starkiller begrudgingly returns to the ring for one last fight. Under normal circumstances, this would be the end of you, as after all this is right at the start of the game and he's now shooting you with pinpoint accuracy from the other side of the ring.

So how do you beat him? Well my friend, you cheat!

After surviving the initial grenade spam offered by Starkiller, rush directly towards him. This would, obviously seem like a death sentence, but as you get close he'll put away the pistol and draw his blade. Yet instead of engaging him in a fair duel, drop back again and shoot from a distance, falling back every time he gets close.

After an, admittedly LONG TIME, Starkiller will be no more, having never tried to pull the gun back out again! Starkiller might have been a champion but smart he was not.

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