7 Most Amazing Video Game Tributes On The Internet

1. FreddeGredde

Number one spot goes to Mr FreddeGredde, a Swede with floppy hair, an excellent taste in video games, and more musical talent than anyone should be allowed to have. I've chosen to post this Wind Waker medley as it was the first one I saw and the inspiration for this article. He puts together guitars, accordians, tin whistles, and less obvious instruments like a baking trays and glasses and creates something that not only evokes the original tune, but excedes it. To be able to pick out individual parts from the song and then replicate not only the notes, but the sound as well is amazing. Not content with that, he also seamlessly throws in a few other Zelda tunes halfway through, a feat so impressive that it was done in exactly the same way in the Zelda 25th anniversary concert three years later. When Nintendo are lifting your work, you know you're doing something right. But if you're not a Zelda fan, he still has something for you. This 10 minute rock medley covers 34 tunes from F-Zero to Kingdom Hearts to Halo to- well, I won't give any more away as it's far more fun to just listen and be surprised by each one. This is probably more impressive than the Wind Waker piece as he's transposed each one into the same key and ordered them so that they segue into each other perfectly. Who knew that the Banjo-Kazooie theme would fit into Bubble Bobble so well? Sorry, no more spoilers now, I'll just leave you to enjoy the best Video Game Tribute on the net.
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Richard has been playing video games since the days of the BBC Micro, (and incidentally when is Chuckie Egg going to get a reboot?) He is currently available for the post of Head of Marketing at Nintendo, seeing as no-one else seems to be doing the job. He's also a major fan of fantasy/sf books and is just waiting for his novel about an assassin who doesn't wear a hood to get picked up.