7 Most Terrifying Video Games Available On PSN Right Now

7. The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter

Vanishing of Ethan Carter
The Astronauts

A 16 year-old boy has gone missing in the seemingly abandoned town of Red Creek Valley and you, paranormal investigator Paul Prospero, must uncover the truth. Using your investigative powers, you uncover the visions of ghosts re-enacting their untimely, and often brutal, last moments.

The game is beautiful; its graphics bring to mind the equally enchanting Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture. It is classed as open world and while it does attempt to guide you onto paths in order to forward the story, there is nothing preventing you from ignoring these signs and adventuring on your own terms.

The game is mainly about exploration with no enemies to be found and no direct threats. However, the game throws you a curve ball towards the end, when all of a sudden there are ghouls to avoid and a Cthulhu-like monster attempting to swallow the world. The moment when you get struck down for the first time will probably be the most heart-seizing of the whole game.

Besides the unsettling twist, there is something incredibly eerie about the setting. Wandering alone, the landscape feels enormous and creates a sense of crushing unease - you can't stop yourself checking behind trees.

If your taste leans more towards atmosphere than jump scares then this unsettling discovery game is definitely worth a look.


Hi, I'm Abi. I love writing for fun, gaming, painting and I'm tatt'd, pierced and a wannabe witch. Writing is the passion, hobby, life and one day, I hope, job. I love all things dark, I don't scare easy and the more twisted, the better. :) I don't bite. Much, anyways.