7 Most Terrifying Video Games Available On PSN Right Now

5. The Park

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Who doesn’t love a good theme park?

You play as Lorraine, a single mother, as she searches for her disobedient son Callum after he runs back into the park after closing time. Annoyingly, we see Callum regularly. The irritating twerp is always a few steps ahead of his bewildered mother, calling out to her and leading her on a merry dance around the decrepit park. This makes it all the more infuriating, as the goal of the game, to find Callum, is being dangled in front of you.

The horror in this game is largely psychological, playing on Lorraine’s fears as a mother. It hints towards much darker secrets as the plot thickens and leaves you to piece the information together, never giving you a certain answer.

The story is linear. It allows you some roaming space, but all paths pretty much lead back to the Funhouse. The park is not infinite but it feels big enough to lose yourself in.

There are plenty of scares in this game to satisfy the horror junkie. Dim corridors, fast rides, and an unhinged protagonist are perfect to ensure thrills a minute.

Not a long game but one that instills fear you can't just ignore.


Hi, I'm Abi. I love writing for fun, gaming, painting and I'm tatt'd, pierced and a wannabe witch. Writing is the passion, hobby, life and one day, I hope, job. I love all things dark, I don't scare easy and the more twisted, the better. :) I don't bite. Much, anyways.