7 Most WTF Mods Of Recent Video Games

5. Thanks Obama - Dark Souls 

resident evil 2 Mr X Mod

Dark Souls is, at its core, a serious game for serious players. The oft macabre, downbeat and gloomy atmosphere is part of its shared universe, really driving home the need to rise up and beat the oppression.

Which is made even funnier when you can do it as Sonic the Hedgehog, or any other out of place avatar. Feel like rekindling the First Flame as Mr. Blobby? Done. Want to be the champion of Blighttown as Bender Bending Rodriguez? Your wish is granted.

However you play, one of Dark Souls' core staples is reminding you that you've died. Quite obviously, in fact, with the big "You Died" font in red.

But some genius decided to add some levity to the unfair act of death by adding one of many Barack Obama memes to the proceedings. Regardless of your political stance, the "Thanks Obama" sarcastic retort became quite applicable in most situations.

Fell off a ledge? Thanks Obama. Smushed by the Taurus Demon? Thanks Obama. It added some much needed humour to the undeniable fact that you suck at Dark Souls.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.