7 Most WTF Mods Of Recent Video Games

4. Carmageddon - GTA IV

resident evil 2 Mr X Mod

Did you feel that Liberty City's traffic was too tame, compared to its real life counterpart? Given that New York is notorious for the stereotypical angry cabbie, constant traffic and high blood pressures on the road, Niko Bellic's commutes are a smooth cruise in comparison.

But fret not, thrillseeker. If you long for the days of Demolition Derby and Carmageddon, there's a mod named after the latter that causes a relentless onslaught of carnage.

By essentially making every car constantly accelerate, every drive is unpredictable as cars careen into you, walls, other cars, people... everything and anything.

Traffic regulations are a thing of the past as hapless drivers are sent on crash courses into anything that'll stop them. With no negative friction enabled on the road, vehicles have nothing to stop their speed rising with whatever they come into contact with. Streets, walls, other cars, anything is a means for speed.

It's amazing what can happen in a Liberty City minute.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.