7 Problems With Nintendo At Corporate Level

5. Introduce A Real Nintendo Account

Donkey Kong Country Returns One of the most frustrating aspects of Nintendo's online store is the lack of a device-crossing Nintendo account. Even if the shop was up to scratch, there is currently no proper account system along the likes of Steam, PSN or Xbox Live. With today's gaming climate becoming increasingly dependant on digital copies of games, this is completely unacceptable. Nintendo fans are incredibly loyal, sticking with the company through thick and thin and supporting their favourite games no matter how many different consoles they are released on. I myself have now owned Ocarina of Time on N64, Gamecube and now 3DS. I realise that's my decision and I'm the mug for buying it three times but I don't always have access to my older consoles. Surely a Nintendo account would negate having to buy the same game over and over again as you update your Nintendo platforms. You don't have to purchase your entire music collection again on iTunes when you upgrade to a new Apple device, so why do we accept it when it comes to Nintendo? As it stands now, if your 3DS dies or you lose your console, you will lose all your Virtual Console purchases unless that specific 3DS is somehow restored. Sending the console off to Nintendo for repair costs money and if it can't be fixed you're out of luck. It's no secret that modern consoles seemingly don't last forever and accidents can also happen. Why would you ever risk spending a lot of money on things from the Nintendo Store when there's a very real chance that you could lose them all forever if something happens your console? Until Nintendo offer some sort of account system rather than what is in place, it's crazy to expect gamers to trust their online store.

I''m a freelance media producer and writer. Im into sports, gaming, TV and music but I mostly write about wrestling. Thanks for reading!