7 Reasons Ape Escape Should Get A HD Trilogy Remaster

2. Re-Launch The Franchise

Ape Escape Monkeys

If the remaster does well it could be used as a springboard to re-launch the monkey catching franchise. This goes past just the games, as there could be potential in bringing back any of the TV series or comic strips. Crash Bandicoot has proved that this can happen with the recent announcement of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time, so it makes sense that if an Ape Escape Trilogy package did well, it could be used to release a new Ape Escape game.

But why Ape Escape? Ape Escape just ticks so many different boxes that it's sure to appeal to a wide audience. For a start, the game is a 3D platformer, a genre which is starting to see a slight resurgence in popularity. Collectathons have always been popular, but Ape Escape has the extra layer to its collecting where you literally have to chase each and every monkey, each one offering a different challenge. The gameplay style of Ape Escape is familiar enough that anyone can pick it up, but also sufficiently unique that the franchise stands out amongst a crowd of 3D platformers.

There are plenty of 3D platformers that Sony could consider bring back, from Croc to Jax & Daxter. But Ape Escape has a unique take on the genre that hasn't really been seen in a long while. The games are less linear compared to their competitors and have a lot of replayability across the trilogy. There are just aren't many classic PlayStation titles that stand out quite the way Ape Escape does.

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Ape Escape
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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.