7 Reasons Far Cry 5 Could Be The Most Controversial Game Ever

5. Religion Is A Touchy Subject

Far Cry 5

Actually, religion is among the most touchy subjects ever. Since its inception, it has caused conflicts between nations and races. It was also used as a political tool to steer human emotion. The common knowledge and acceptance of that fact doesn't prevent us from still falling victim to its usage though. Its appeal lies in the intrinsic need to believe in something, it just simply makes life more bearable.

That's why the community of Hope, Montana - well, at least the part of it that enables The Father to run his cult freely and openly - is willing to devote their lives to serving this madman. While Hay can't stress enough that the game is about a cult, the offended seem to know better. People tend to get more sensitive when someone dares to comment on their religion.

The game criticizes religious fanaticism, not Christianity. Or for that matter, any other religion.


I write sitting with my dogs on the sofa, which often leads to whole paragraphs being deleted by a single touch of a paw or a nose.