7 Reasons Horizon Zero Dawn Is Better Than Uncharted 4

6. A Story You Genuinely Care About (Not Just If Someone Died Or Not)

horizon zero dawn

There's a marked difference between caring about a character's arc, and that of the surrounding events. For Uncharted 4, I'd wager you cared more about whether the rumours of Drake or Sully dying were true, rather than how Nate's story related to that of Henry Avery, or whether Sam Drake was going to turn out to be a bad egg.

It resulted in a narrative framework that was loaded with characterful charm, sure, bucketloads of the stuff, but whose story was "And then they went to the place to get the thing". By contrast, Horizon focuses just as much on Aloy's journey and growth as an individual, before layering that through the mysterious world around her, resulting in a very tantalising combination that Uncharted just didn't - and almost couldn't - have.

Discovering where the machines came from, what happened in Aloy's past to leave her motherless, how humanity came to be and what Aloy's role in the past - if any - truly was, Horizon plays its cards very close to its chest, but doles out some humdingers at a steady pace along the way.

Reach the credits on Uncharted 4 and you'll have seen everything the game has to offer. By contrast, do the same on Horizon and yes, you'll get a very satisfying conclusion, but you've barely scratched the surface on how much the surrounding world has to offer.

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