7 Reasons Horizon Zero Dawn Is Better Than Uncharted 4

4. No Pacing Issues

horizon zero dawn

Sorry Uncharted 4, but your back third really drags. Right when you're building to an immaculate ending, being told a number of upending things about brother Sam and having Nate take a tumble off a cliff, the assumption is he'll will find his footing and come back for one last level.


Instead, we have the reintroduction of Elena and Sully - which comes out of nowhere, by the way - before then seeing Drake and Elena go off together for a good hour or two. It's meant to be an indication of how hanging with your wife/loved one can be just as fun as being with a best friend, but serves only to throw a spanner in works when it comes to pacing, almost feeling like the game has to build its momentum back up all over again.

In Horizon's case - and I'll forgo spoilers as they're not necessary - firstly you've got the open-world, which lets you take a break from the main campaign to do a spot of hunting, exploration or world-building whenever you like (something Aloy would do, being she's exploring everywhere for the first time), and second, the main storyline solves the open-world problem by being ready to go whenever you want to pick it up.

There's no 'save the world/infant' setup like Mass Effect 3/Fallout 4 here, just a main campaign that you can see through to its entirely across a solid 25-30 hours - or at your leisure whilst indulging in a smattering of other objectives.

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