7 Reasons Rocksteady's Suicide Squad Reveal Was A HUGE Disappointment

That... should've been so much better.

Suicide squad kill the justice league

After five years, a scrapped Superman game and so.many.leaks as to what was coming next, Rocksteady finally unveiled their followup to Batman: Arkham Knight - Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.

Despite a bizarrely elongated title that feels as though it ticks every "marketing push 101" mandate from Warner Bros. in 2020 - considering the Suicide Squad movie reboot AND Zack Snyder's Justice League - the immediate reception was surprisingly mixed to negative.

Why? Because this is Rocksteady's followup to one of the most revered video game franchises of all time. The team came out of nowhere with Arkham Asylum, having only Urban Chaos: Riot Response to their name, going on to be the name in superhero video games.

Hell, save for Insomniac's Spider-Man almost a decade later, they're STILL the name in superhero video games.

Granted, the trailer had potential and I want to believe in Rocksteady given their track record, but something feels massively off about many aspects of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.

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