7 Reasons Rocksteady's Suicide Squad Reveal Was A HUGE Disappointment

5. It’s A Squad Shooter

Suicide squad kill the justice league

In trying to get a handle on just what this game is, various additional press releases outline Suicide Squad is an "action-adventure shooter" with "up to four players in online co-op", featuring Rocksteady's "signature character-driven story gameplay with third-person shooter action".

Notice that word?


Even though there were ranged weapons in the Arkham titles, describing the game as a "shooter" up front while saying missions can be undertaken with "one to four players" squarely puts this in the co-op shooter bracket.

There is mention of Kill the Justice League being "a gaming experience unlike any other", but citing Rocksteady's "signature" element as story rather than their genre-defining melee combat is supremely telling.

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