7 Reasons Rocksteady's Suicide Squad Reveal Was A HUGE Disappointment

4. "You Can Play The Multiplayer Game Solo If You Want" Marketing Spin

suicide squad game

The Division couldn't make it work, Anthem and Agents of Mayhem couldn't. Even Crystal Dynamics' Avengers feels like you're playing a game meant for more people if you go down the solo route.

Literally no game that's made the marketing ploy of securing squad-based gameplay and a "worthwhile single player component" has ever felt genuinely satisfying.

The same things always happen: The single-player portion is forced to accommodate level layouts and enemy types that benefit a group dynamic, meaning a focus on team tactics over individual strategies or pathways. Focusing on multiplayer missions or group storytelling always robs any game of pacing and immersion, as you're dividing your time between the screen and having a chat with friends.

There's nothing wrong with squad shooters, and nothing wrong with single player stories. It's when the two mix that we always get half-baked results.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.