7 Ridiculously Hard Boss Battles Hiding In Easy Video Games
1. Inner Agent Three - Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2 can be as easy or as difficult as you let it be. With the potential to be grouped up with players of all different skill levels, you will steamroll enemy teams one moment, and have your tentacled butt handed to you the next.
While being primarily a player vs player game, Splatoon 2 does have an incredible single player campaign in the Octoling expansion. Describing it as Valve’s Portal meets paint-slinging octopuses doesn’t even quite do its insane, puzzle-solving, third-person action justice.
But, beneath it all, there lies Inner Agent Three, the bonus boss of the expansion. The entire fight is one long marathon with five different phases, five different weapons, and five levels of hell. Die at any point during this long fight and it’s right back to the beginning with you, to begin the gruelling encounter all over again.
Did we mention it also regenerates health if you aren’t aggressive enough?
This thing fights with a fierceness we have never seen before throughout the single player campaign, assaulting you with inkjets, bubblers, heat-seeking auto bombs, splashdowns, tetra missiles - everything that, up until now, was in your personal arsenal.
To have it all turned against you in such vicious fashion is… is…
Well, bloody brilliant.