7 Secret Video Game Bonus Features You Never Got To Play
2. Play As Norimaro - Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter
When it comes to video game fighters who really should be doing ANYTHING else apart from squaring up to the likes of Ryu and Paul Pheonix, you probably instantly think of Dan, Pheonix Wright, and maybe Roll, bless her she's trying but she ends up taking a punting nine times out of ten.
However, there is a new king of crap that makes all of these other wimps look like utter winners and that's Norimaro, a joke character created by Capcom and Japanese comedian Noritake Kinashi. Looking like a used tissue stuffed into a school uniform Norimaro was unlockable in the Japanese version of Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter but was nowhere to be seen in the international release (despite still being on the disc).
Yet the most hilarious thing about this joke character is that....to be honest...he's actually pretty decent! I know he looks like Steve Buschemi doing a "how do you do fellow kids" and his fighting style is actually non-existent, but thanks to his ability to throw objects for days means that it's quite easy to launch and juggle opponents into oblivion.
Weirder still is that there's actually no reason he should have been cut, after all, is a school kid with the face of Mr Bean any weirder than an anthropomorphic cactus plant? Or a time-traveling pirate? Not really in my opinion so it was a shame to find out that this was a Japanese exclusive unlock.