7 Secret Video Game Bonus Features You Never Got To Play
1. Dating Sim - Rival Schools
And so we end on another fighting game, but this one is a little different as this wasn't a title just content with letting us batter our opponents into paste, but if the International release was the same as the original, might have taught us to love as well.
I'm speaking of course of the absolutely brilliant Rival Schools and the fact that in Japan it came with a Dating Sim mode! Now Japan absolutely loves themselves a good dating sim, but it was still quite shocking to see that a game like Rival Schools which basically settled all disputes the way nature intended aka fistfighting on the playground, was going to let you dust off your opponent and take them for a drink after.
The mode lets you create a brand new character and then strengthen bonds with other class-mates which would, in turn, affect your stats, basically teaching kids that having lots of mates will give you the strength to take on anything that life can throw at you. Pretty nice right?
Well, we didn't get the second disc that this was on here in Europe or the States meaning that this instead was JUST a phenomenally well-made and slick fighting game, tch barely worth the plastic case right?