7 Shocking Video Game President Cameos You Totally Missed

2. Ronald Reagan - Bad Dudes Vs. DragonNinja

Obama mercenaries 2
Data East

Outside of telling us at every turn that "winners don't do drugs" old Ronnie Reagan was a president with the world watching his every move.

With nuclear tensions escalating every single day to an almost Watchmen Doomsday Clock parody level, it seems at points that the world was constantly holding its breath.

It must have been a very tense time to say the least, and that's to say nothing of the time that he was kidnapped in the awesomely named Bad Dudes Vs Dragonninja video game! As either Blade or Striker it's down to you to answer the question of "are you a bad enough dude to rescue Ronnie?" and by "answer" I mean kick the spines out of anyone who looks at you the wrong way.

After fighting your way through to the final boss and battering his skull into base elements, you'll be rewarded with a cheerful congratulations message from "President Ronnie" thanking you both and then asking if you two dudes want to grab a burger.

I mean we should probably get you back to sort out all these trade deals mate, but....go on then I'll have fries with mine.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.