7 Shocking Video Game President Cameos You Totally Missed

3. George Washington - Assassin's Creed 3

Obama mercenaries 2

I can honestly say that nobody expected George Washington to be showing up in the Assasin's Creed series, let alone as an evil tyrant that leads to you chopping his apple tree neck with your blades in a brutal boss battle! Yet, here we are in what definitely amounts to the franchise's strangest DLC pack ever, "The Tyranny Of King Washington"

And before you say anything, yes I know he's a king here not a president but the entire impact of this DLC relies on the fact it's a warping of his real-world presidency so cut me some slack, plus again YOU GET TO PUNCH HIS LIGHTS OUT.

In this alternate timeline, Washington has gone mad with unlimited power, forgone the presidency, and rules over the land with an iron fist, as Connor you have to piece things together, destabilize his chokehold and meet with other historical figures to plan a revolution.

This is Ubisoft running absolutely wild with their ideas and you know what? It's easily some of the most enjoyable sections in the franchise, taking risks, delivering over-the-top action, and of course, a badass villain in the form of the 1st US President.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.