7 Simple Solutions To The Gaming Industry's Biggest Problems

7. "People Don't Finish Games"

persona 5

Solution: Store rewards for trophies and achievements.

This can't apply to the whacky world of Nintendo just yet, but with industry experts noting that "only 10-20%" of us actually hit credits, there's a real problem with video game length, the amount they cost to make, our interest over time - pretty much everything regarding the post-release state of a title, and "getting your money's worth".

Whether it's because a game is too long, loses its story hook or otherwise runs out of steam, one surefire way to get people through would be directly tying trophies and achievements to real-world store vouchers on PSN or the Xbox store.

Interestingly, Xbox have gotten close to this idea with Microsoft Rewards, letting achievements and playtime goals become Points you can exchange for entry into sweepstakes for big prizes, or cash them out for high street gift vouchers.

There's a missing link with feeding trophy and achievement-hunting back into video games though, and who wouldn't push to finish as many titles as possible if it meant your next game keeps getting cheaper?

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.